Thursday 12 June 2008

Lisbon Treaty - Why do you vote 'no'?

Tomorrow is Lisbon Treaty 2008 Referendum day in Ireland and I know what's going to happen: 'No' will win!

Is that good? I don`t know, the new constitution doesn`t talk anything about the jungle... And I can`t vote, I`m a monkey, so it makes no difference for me!

On the other hand, it will make a big difference for many people, but they don`t really care about it, and that`s the reason why 'no' is going to win! Nobody gives a damn, and it is easier to say 'NO' when you are ignorant*. Would you accept a job without knowing your responsibilities? Would you vote 'yes' for something you don`t know what it is? Neither do I...

But would go for more information about the job? And what about the Treaty? (here is your last chance: , don`t let it go!)

You should go for that... Or are you going to keep yourself at the mercy of ignorants? Accusing politicians, criticizing your country and waiting for better time that will never come!

Saying NO to the Referendum, or voting NO without a reasonable explanation, is the same of saying NO to sensibleness.

Don't be like them...

Do it for yourself!

*Ignorant : Sorry, some people would think that I`m calling them stupid, but no! For those who don`t know, an ignorant is a person who ignores things, not a stupid.

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